Serving those who served
Free Honor Guard Funeral Services for Veterans in St Landry Parish
Serving those who served
This unique St Landry Veterans Funeral Honor Guard will consist of volunteer veterans residing in St Landry Parish. Training will consist of formal military funeral procedures; a full rifle squad; a flag folding detail; one bugler; and (if requested by the family) six pall bearers. There will be sufficient members to support more than one ceremony in one day.
This select St Landry Veterans Funeral Honor Guard will not interfere with any other military ceremonies provided by any American Legion or VFW Post with a small post Honor Guard. To avoid any confusion or duplication of effort the St Landry Parish Veterans Funeral Honor Guard will be available to the family of a veteran per request through any Funeral Home in St Landry Parish who in turn will contact the Honor Guard Coordinator.
All funerals will be confined to St Landry Parish.
This Honor Guard will not be available for any other community activity.